Everyone can overcome any obstacle with enough reasons to do so.
Family Law
- Reduction of marriageable age, preparation of prenuptial and postnuptial contracts.
- Dissolution of marriage by mutual consent of spouses, at one spouse’s request, through the fault of one or both spouses, separation; establishment of guilt for dissolution of marriage and award of non-property damage from the guilty spouse; division of property acquired in marriage, defence of the rights of a spouse who incurred damage by dishonest actions of the other spouse in handling family household (concealing property, registering property in the name of other persons, etc.), defence of the rights of a spouse who invested personal money into family property, and issues of handling spouses’ property.
- Disputes regarding children: establishment of children’s place of residence and the procedure of communication with parents and close relatives (usually grandparents), establishment of usufruct to a living premise in favour of minor children, award of maintenance (alimony) for children, and arrears of maintenance, change of the amount and form of awarded alimony.
- Award of maintenance for minor children.
- Restriction of paternity (maternity) rights, issues of establishment and contest of paternity.
- Adoption.
- Establishment of residential care, guardianship for adults and minors.
- Recognition of a person legally incapable or with restricted legal capability.
Inheritance Law
- We consult on matters related to writing a will, acceptance or waiver of succession.
- We prepare documents for court on acceptance of succession according to the description, establishment of the legal fact that the heir accepted inheritance by factually starting managing it; we represent heirs’ interests in court regarding their right to a mandatory part of inheritance, and when contesting the rights to inheritance of an heir or a person claiming inheritance.
Protection of Individual Rights
- We represent our Clients protecting their individual rights to name, honour, dignity, private life, business reputation, image, and patients’ rights. We provide consulting services.
Contract Law
- We consult on matters of execution, amendment and cancellation of contracts.
- We prepare draft contracts, and carry out legal assessments of the following contracts: sale/purchase, lease, joint activity, loan, contract, sub-contract, services, etc.
- We represent our Client’s interests in disputes arising from pre-contractual and contractual relationships.
Debt Collection
- We consult on legal matters of debt collection.
- We represent our Client’s interests in the pre-trial and judicial stage of debt collection, write claims, demands, statements, and represent in negotiations.
Labour law
- We provide consultations for employees and employers.
- We prepare drafts of employment contracts, employment regulations, the rules of procedure, and carry out their legal assessment.
- We represent the interests of employees and employers in labour disputes, disputes on reimbursement of damage caused by the employer or employee, and disputes on legitimacy of signing or cancellation of employment contracts.
Co-owners’ Relationships
- We consult on matters of management and implementation of joint ownership.
- We prepare agreements on management of joint property by co-owners, disposal and maintenance of joint property.
- We represent our Clients’ interests in settling disputes between co-owners, including disputes on separation from joint partial ownership, and carry out negotiations on amicable settlement of disputes.
Reimbursement of Damage
- We represent in negotiations and courts settling disputes on reimbursement of property and non-property damage, application of contractual and non-contractual liability in judicial and pre-trial dispute stages. We provide consulting services.
Representation in Settling Disputes
- We represent our Client’s interests in settling disputes in court and pursuing amicable dispute settlement best meeting our Client’s interests.
- Our standpoint is that judicial dispute settlement is the radical measure.
Criminal Law
- We represent our Clients in criminal proceedings.
- We provide consulting services.
- We defend rights and legitimate interests of victims.
- We prepare civil claims for reimbursement of property and non-property damage caused by a crime.
Labour law
- We consult employees and employers.
- We prepare draft employment contracts, job regulations, working order, carry out their legal assessment.
- We represent the interests of employees and employers in labour disputes, disputes on reimbursement of damage caused by the employer or employee, disputes on legitimacy of signing or cancellation of employment contracts.
Debt Administration
- We consult on legal matters of debt collection.
- We represent our Client’s interests in the pre-trial and judicial stage of debt collection, write claims, demands, statements, represent in negotiations.
Company Law
- We prepare documents of foundation and activity of all forms of companies, affiliates and representative offices.
- We consult on company management, prepare necessary draft documents.
- We consult on exercising and defending shareholders’ rights, represent in negotiations and in court.
- We prepare draft resolutions of governing bodies, minutes of shareholders’ resolutions on increase or reduction of authorised capital and other relevant matters.
Contract Law
- We prepare draft contracts, carry out legal assessment of contracts presented: purchase-sale, supply, distribution, lease, joint activity, loan, contract, sub-contract, services, etc.
- We represent our Client’s interests in disputes arising from pre-contractual and contractual relationships.
Construction Law
- We consult on construction law matters.
- We prepare draft agreements on general contract, contract, sub-contract, supply of materials.
- We represent the interests of our Clients – construction companies, contractors, suppliers in relationships with other construction process parties, we participate in settling arising disputes and represent Clients’ interests in courts when needed.
Public Procurement
- We consult on participation in public procurements.
- We represent our Clients’ interests in disputes arising from public procurements.
Co-owners’ Relationships
- We consult on matters of management and implementation of joint ownership.
- We prepare agreements on management of joint property by co-owners, disposal and maintenance of joint property.
- We represent our Clients’ interests in settling disputes between co-owners, including disputes on separation from joint partial ownership, carry out negotiations on amicable settlement of disputes.
Bankruptcy, Restructuring Law
- We consult on bankruptcy and restructuring law.
- We prepare documents of application to court for initiation of bankruptcy or restructuring case, claims for recognition of bankruptcy as intended and reimbursement or damage to a creditor. We represent creditors’ interests in bankruptcy and restructuring cases.
Reimbursement of Damage
- We represent in negotiations and courts settling disputes on reimbursement of property and non-property damage, application of contractual and non-contractual liability in judicial and pre-trial dispute stages.
- We provide consulting services.
Representation in Dispute Settlement
- We represent our Clients’ interests in dispute settlement and pursuing amicable dispute settlement best meeting our Client’s interests.
- Our standpoint is that judicial dispute settlement is the radical measure.
Criminal Law
- We represent our Clients in criminal proceedings.
- We provide consulting services.
- We defend rights and legitimate interests of victims.
- We prepare civil claims for reimbursement of property and non-property damage caused by a crime.